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Menu Funérailles
Funeral Menu
Option 1: Buffet
11,50$ / pers. + tx
50 personnes minimum | Minimum of 50 people
Frais de livraison: 15% + taxes dans la région de Hawkesbury | Delivery Fee: 15% + tax in the Hawkesbury region
3 types de sandwichs | 3 Types of Sandwiches
choix de pain blanc et/ou plain brun | your choice of white and/or whole wheat bread
Poulet | Chicken Salad
Jambon | Ham Salad
Oeufs | Egg Salad
4 sortes de salades | 4 Types of Salads
Chou | Coleslaw
Patates | Potato
Et tous les incontournables | And All The Must Haves
Crudités et trempette | Veggies & Dip
Fromage St-Albert Cheese
Hors d'oeuvres
Desserts | Deserts
Thé et Café | Tea & Coffee
Ajouts possibles | Possible Add-Ons
Mets chauds avec prix additionel par personne + taxes | Hot meals with additional price per person + tax
Fêves au lard| Baked Beans
1,25$ / pers.
Lasagne | Lasagna
3$ / pers.
Option 2: Boîte à lunch | Lunchbox
11,50$ / pers. + tx
30 personnes minimum | Minimum of 30 people
Frais de livraison: 15% + taxes dans la région de Hawkesbury | Delivery Fee: 15% + tax in the Hawkesbury region
3 sortes de sandwichs: poulet, jambon et oeufs (choix de pain blanc et / ou de pain brun | 3 types of sandwiches: chicken salad, ham salad, egg salad (choice of white and/or whole wheat bread)
2 types of salads: potato and macaroni | 2 types de salads: potato & macaroni
crudités | veggies
fromage St-Albert cheese
dessert | desert
café | coffee
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